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Isolation consolation.

Isolation consolation.

8 lessons in awareness with Ed Woodall's senseofmovement. 


1. Lifting the head. 

2. Rolling from side to side.

3. Rainbow Arm. 

4. Sitting and turning (chair lesson).

5. Soft fists.

6. Sitting up with more ease (chair lesson). 

7. Arm circling. 

8. Steeple hands or twist in the spine. 



These lessons were first broadcast in April 2020 when most of the world was undergoing a curfew to stem the spread of the coronavirus, Covid19. 


"I find it has helped me land every day in my body, on this earth, at this fraught time, in a calmer and more rooted way. Try it!" Charlotte Bazely. 


My online live-streamed lessons were prompted by a period of illness and a desire to do something in light of the crisis. I had a mantra in my head, "morning, noon, and night" and thought people might be interested in punctuating their days with some thoughtful, movement practice from the Feldenkrais Method. 


On the advice of my friend and client, Marneta Viegas, I plumped for a closed group on Facebook and a live-stream just morning and night. 


I asked all the people who "like" my Facebook page, A Sense of Movement, to join and within a couple of days there were hundreds in the group. 


People then started inviting their friends and the group is about to reach 1500 now after just a few weeks. 


It has been an amazing journey so far. 


"Feldenkrais with the brilliant Ed Woodall is such a great way to start or finish the day. His curiosity and soft clarity is a real encouragement" Jodie Adele Cole. 


It has given me huge personal satisfaction to invite old friends and new into the practice that I, sometimes, simply call. "the best thing I have discovered in my life", the Feldenkrais Method. 


To do these lessons you just need to find a space on the floor, a mat or rug to provide some comfort and listen to the instructions. 2 of the lessons are in a chair; an upright kitchen chair is best. 


I have trimmed the lessons but not edited much so they will have the flavour of the original broadcasts but without the intro. and announcements at the end. Each is about 20 minutes long. 


Do take time at the end to stand up and notice how it is that you feel different and be curious about the way that paying attention to movement at this level affects you. 


Remember that if you have enjoyed this then there is a whole world of Awareness Through Movement lessons waiting to be experienced. I now teach online and all the details can be found at for classes, workshops and one-to-one lessons online. 


Many thanks to all of you who have stepped out of your comfort zone to try this method and particular thanks must go to those who have supported and encouraged me from the beginning, Louise Ferdinando most of all. Others who have been instrumental in helping me to launch this venture, which will endure long after we have gone back to "normal" are Marneta Viegas, Penny Wilkin and Teresa Brayshaw. Thanks. 




And finally, to take the work further, you could check out the books which have inspired these short-format lessons. 


"Awareness Through Movement" by Moshe Feldenkrais.


"Relaxercise" By David Zemach-Bersin, Kaethe Zemach-Bersin and Mark Reese.


"Moving in All Directions" By Garet Newall and Paul Ogden.


Advice on doing the lessons. 

  • Have a small stack of hand towels or a small firm pillow to place under your head as needed.
  • Go very slowly.
  • Pause the lesson as needed to give yourself time.
  • Move within your own comfortable range. 
  • Do NOT push or strain. You will get more benefit by doing less.
  • Try to let go of doing the movements the “right” way. 
  • Be curious and enjoy the changes.
  • Follow any healthcare restrictions you have been given.
  • Thanks to the Move Better Feel Better for this advice.



And if you want to do more with me then check out my "mighty network" The Flourishing Human. 



These audio lessons are for educational purposes only. Anything shared by Ed is not a substitute for professional help or medical treatment.  These recordings and this  website, all media files found on it and the creator of any and all of these files, cannot be held responsible for any injuries or discomfort that occur. Before doing any of the movement lessons or movements described or portrayed, be sure to consult your medical practitioner.










  • MP3

    These recordings can be played on a wide variety of digital music players. 

  • Contents.

    8 lessons in awareness with Ed Woodall's senseofmovement. 


    1. Lifting the head. 

    2. Rolling from side to side.

    3. Rainbow Arm. 

    4. Sitting and turning (chair lesson).

    5. Soft fists.

    6. Sitting up with more ease (chair lesson). 

    7. Arm circling. 

    8. Steeple hands or twist in the spine. 



    These lessons were first broadcast in April 2020 when most of the world was undergoing a curfew to stem the spread of the coronavirus, Covid19. 


    "I find it has helped me land every day in my body, on this earth, at this fraught time, in a calmer and more rooted way. Try it!" Charlotte Bazely. 


    My online live-streamed lessons were prompted by a period of illness and a desire to do something in light of the crisis. I had a mantra in my head, "morning, noon, and night" and thought people might be interested in punctuating their days with some thoughtful, movement practice from the Feldenkrais Method. 


    On the advice of my friend and client, Marneta Viegas, I plumped for a closed group on Facebook and a live-stream just morning and night. 


    I asked all the people who "like" my Facebook page, A Sense of Movement, to join and within a couple of days there were hundreds in the group. 


    People then started inviting their friends and the group is about to reach 1500 now after just a few weeks. 


    It has been an amazing journey so far. 


    "Feldenkrais with the brilliant Ed Woodall is such a great way to start or finish the day. His curiosity and soft clarity is a real encouragement" Jodie Adele Cole. 


    It has given me huge personal satisfaction to invite old friends and new into the practice that I, sometimes, simply call. "the best thing I have discovered in my life", the Feldenkrais Method. 


    To do these lessons you just need to find a space on the floor, a mat or rug to provide some comfort and listen to the instructions. 2 of the lessons are in a chair; an upright kitchen chair is best. 


    I have trimmed the lessons but not edited much so they will have the flavour of the original broadcasts but without the intro. and announcements at the end. Each is about 20 minutes long. 


    Do take time at the end to stand up and notice how it is that you feel different and be curious about the way that paying attention to movement at this level affects you. 


    Remember that if you have enjoyed this then there is a whole world of Awareness Through Movement lessons waiting to be experienced. I now teach online and all the details can be found at for classes, workshops and one-to-one lessons online. 


    Many thanks to all of you who have stepped out of your comfort zone to try this method and particular thanks must go to those who have supported and encouraged me from the beginning, Louise Ferdinando most of all. Others who have been instrumental in helping me to launch this venture, which will endure long after we have gone back to "normal" are Marneta Viegas, Penny Wilkin and Teresa Brayshaw. Thanks. 




    And finally, to take the work further, you could check out the books which have inspired these short-format lessons. 


    "Awareness Through Movement" by Moshe Feldenkrais.


    "Relaxercise" By David Zemach-Bersin, Kaethe Zemach-Bersin and Mark Reese.


    "Moving in All Directions" By Garet Newall and Paul Ogden.


    Advice on doing the lessons. 

    • Have a small stack of hand towels or a small firm pillow to place under your head as needed.
    • Go very slowly.
    • Pause the lesson as needed to give yourself time.
    • Move within your own comfortable range. 
    • Do NOT push or strain. You will get more benefit by doing less.
    • Try to let go of doing the movements the “right” way. 
    • Be curious and enjoy the changes.
    • Follow any healthcare restrictions you have been given.
    • Thanks to the Move Better Feel Better for this advice.




    These audio lessons are for educational purposes only. Anything shared by Ed is not a substitute for professional help or medical treatment.  These recordings and this  website, all media files found on it and the creator of any and all of these files, cannot be held responsible for any injuries or discomfort that occur. Before doing any of the movement lessons or movements described or portrayed, be sure to consult your medical practitioner



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