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Ed Woodall

Founder of A Sense of Movement. 

I started my career as an actor. 

I trained at an international school of Mime, Movement and Theatre in Paris. It was there that I learned the lessons in Awareness, Flexibility and Ease. An actor needs to have sensitivity to be open.  He or she certainly needs Flexibility to play different roles and no-one will watch an actor on screen or at the theatre if they do not have Ease.


I worked with some of the best in the world. All around the world. It was a great run. But eventually the arthritis that had been developing in my feet since my early teens became too much and I had to stop. It was a blessing in some ways. I started on the road to being an educator: I taught movement and play to anyone who would listen. From prisoners in jail, to refugees in war zones, to the cream of young acting talent at Central School of Speech and Drama, East 15, RADA and Oxford.


Movement was not enough for me. I wanted to find out what lay beneath the movement so I studied 4 year at the Feldenkrais International Training Centre in Lewes. I am now a fully certified practitioner. The training brought my chronic pain to an end and new phase of evolutionary neuro-adpative movement into my life, and, hopefully, yours. 


I now teach what I call a "sense of movement". It combines learning how to move more easily in a physical sense and, more importantly, how to train the brain to evolve into a better version of yourself. We now know that the brain is "plastic". It and you can CHANGE. 


I bring about this change with Feldenkrais' teachings and with what some have called my "healing hands". I have leaned how how take care of people and how to enable them to move on from pain, to find more security in themselves and to do more than they thought they could.    




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