I am sorry I have not been in touch much over the last two years.
In mid-2020 I was commissioned to write a book on Shakespeare and Lecoq (my physical theatre teacher). So by the time I set up The Flourishing Human, which is where I now teach the majority of my Feldenkrais lessons (an interest in which I assuming is what got you to subscribe to my site) I was also deep into research and delivery of the book.
As I am sure is true of your life, there is only so much I can fit in. Blogging from A Sense of Movement was one that had to drop off the radar. The good news is that the book is finished and will be published by Bloomsbury in Jan '24. I very much hope that as a subscriber to my site, you might be interested in reading it. I will address that nearer the time. I will now be blogging more regularly with lots of great insights into the world of counter-intuition and embodied wisdom.
In the meantime, the thing I want to share with you, is that for the summer and autumn, I am searching for people who want to improve their lot, both physically and mentally with the Feldenkrais Method. I am going to make this really easy for you by simply saying that all you have to do if you want to practice this brilliant method of somatic education, if you are a real life-long learner and want to experience less pain and more joy in your life then you can experience my subscription group, The Flourishing Human, for free for two weeks to experience the lessons and the group before joining for a really reasonable price.
If you simply want to be able to drop into classes, and the classes are online (Zoom), then that is possible. At present I am accepting donations at my Ko-fi site for that and I recommend £12.50 per class.
Classes are at the following times. Monday at 1pm, Tuesday at 6.30pm, Thursday at 5.30pm and Saturday at 10.30am. (All times in BST). I will send out an email once a week from here to all subscribers with details of the forthcoming lessons for you to choose what to come to. Feldenkrais lessons cover a vast range of human activity from breathing, to eyesight, to twisting, turning and all manner of thinking. What links them all is the use of movement to enhance intelligence and wellbeing.
Here is a sneak view of how this week is looking.
Here are the Zoom links to all the above lessons.
Twisting in the Shoulders. Monday 1pm. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86870332531?pwd=T1RsWXFhRnFOWXlBdlNiMFd4cCsxUT09
Improve your Balance. Tuesday 6.30pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89502251773?pwd=MzBFYU1rSFpld080ZUtjNm9NSTB3Zz09
Move like a Reptile. Thursday 5.30pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84915365667?pwd=MXVmclQrNjljb0NtalYrZUxmMnRyQT09
Take it Easy. Saturday 10.30am
If you would like to drop in to any of these then use the above link and arrive 5 minutes before the allotted start time. Make sure you have a mat, rug, or carpet to lie on with bit of room around you. I will then give you the donation link at the end of the session.
The atmosphere in the lessons is friendly and informal. It is best to use a laptop so you can point the camera at yourself so I can help guide you through the lesson but if you only have a phone or ipad it can be made to work.
If you would like to know more about Feldenkrais classes with me, then email me and I am always happy to have a 15 min chat with people to clarify how the method is going to enhance their life.
I hope to see you soon.
This is the first of much more regular emails from me. I am back!!
Best Ed